Selected ETH Polymer Physics publications

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1 selected entry has been cited at least 27 times (SCI, 20-04-2024)

Article   E. Panagiotou, M. Kröger, K.C. Millet
Writhe and mutual entanglement combine to give the entanglement length
Phys. Rev. E 88 (2013) 062604
We propose a method to estimate Ne, the entanglement length, that incorporates both local and global topological characteristics of chains in a melt under equilibrium conditions. This estimate uses the writhe of the chains, the writhe of the primitive paths, and the number of kinks in the chains in a melt. An advantage of this method is that it works for both linear and ring chains, works under all periodic boundary conditions, does not require knowing the contour length of the primitive paths, and does not rely on a smooth set of data.We apply this method to linear finitely extendable nonlinear elastic chains and we observe that our estimates are consistent with those from other studies.

for LaTeX users
 author = {E. Panagiotou and M. Kr\"oger and K. C. Millet},
 title = {Writhe and mutual entanglement combine to give the entanglement length},
 journal = {Phys. Rev. E},
 volume = {88},
 pages = {062604},
 year = {2013}

\bibitem{EPanagiotou2013-88} E. Panagiotou, M. Kr\"oger, K.C. Millet,
Writhe and mutual entanglement combine to give the entanglement length,
Phys. Rev. E {\bf 88} (2013) 062604.

E. Panagiotou, M. Kr\"oger, K.C. Millet
Writhe and mutual entanglement combine to give the entanglement length
Phys. Rev. E,88,2013,062604

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