Selected ETH Polymer Physics publications

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1 selected entry has been cited at least 5 times (SCI, 20-04-2024)

Article   P.S. Stephanou, M. Kröger
Assessment of the tumbling-snake model against linear and nonlinear rheological data of bidisperse polymer blends
Polymers 11 (2019) 376

We have recently solved the tumbling-snake model for concentrated polymer solutions and entangled melts in the academic case of a monodisperse sample. Here, we extend these studies and provide the stationary solutions of the tumbling-snake model both analytically, for small shear rates, and via Brownian dynamics simulations, for a bidisperse sample over a wide range of shear rates and model parameters. We further show that the tumbling-snake model bears the necessary capacity to compare well with available linear and non-linear rheological data for bidisperse systems. This capacity is added to the already documented ability of the model to accurately predict the shear rheology of monodisperse systems.

for LaTeX users
 author = {P. S. Stephanou and M. Kr\"oger},
 title = {Assessment of the tumbling-snake model against linear and nonlinear rheological data of bidisperse polymer blends},
 journal = {Polymers},
 volume = {11},
 pages = {376},
 year = {2019}

\bibitem{PSStephanou2019-11} P.S. Stephanou, M. Kr\"oger,
Assessment of the tumbling-snake model against linear and nonlinear rheological data of bidisperse polymer blends,
Polymers {\bf 11} (2019) 376.

P.S. Stephanou, M. Kr\"oger
Assessment of the tumbling-snake model against linear and nonlinear rheological data of bidisperse polymer blends

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