Selected ETH Polymer Physics publications

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Article   M. Kröger
Top cited 2018-2019 papers in the section Polymer Theory and Simulation (Editorial)
Polymers 13 (2021) 43
This editorial deals with the most cited papers published in the years 2018.2019 in the section .Polymer Theory and Simulation. of the journal Polymers. They are mainly regular research articles, but two reviews are also present in this analysis. The main topics appear related to (nano)composites, entangled polymers, ring polymers, nanotubes, polyelectrolytes, brushes and polymers at interfaces. The most used simulation methods are molecular dynamics, Brownian dynamics, and Monte Carlo, with the only exception being a paper dealing with metamaterials. The evolution of the fraction of publications falling into one of these fields over the past 50 years is visualized in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the same data differently, so that the focus is on the qualitative rather than quantitative evolution within areas of research. In the following, and inline with the spirit of this short editorial we are going to review the most cited works in the order of their number of citations, rather than by discipline.

for LaTeX users
 author = {M. Kr\"oger},
 title = {Top cited 2018-2019 papers in the section Polymer Theory and Simulation (Editorial)},
 journal = {Polymers},
 volume = {13},
 pages = {43},
 year = {2021}

\bibitem{MKroger2021-13} M. Kr\"oger,
Top cited 2018-2019 papers in the section Polymer Theory and Simulation (Editorial),
Polymers {\bf 13} (2021) 43.

M. Kr\"oger
Top cited 2018-2019 papers in the section Polymer Theory and Simulation (Editorial)

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