ETH Polymer Physics seminar

11:15 at ML F39

The Complete Theory of Strength of Amorphous Glassy Polymers

Zbigniew Stachurski

The framework of a complete theory of strength will be presented. It will be firmly based on the concepts of microstructure, interactions at the molecular level, and continuum description of materials behaviour. As an example, the polymer poly(methyl methacrylate) will be described with sufficient detail of its glassy microstructure, showing all of the possible molecular motions. Anelastic and plastic deformations will be decribed fully. The parameters, which characterise these motions, are derived from experimental data, theoretical calculations, and from measurements carried out on a simulated cell of PMMA. The limitation of the present knowledge and possible avenues of research will be pointed out. Evolution of microstructure will be described in terms of the aggregate model, and it will be shown how this modifies the rheological behaviour of PMMA at the high strains

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