10:15 at ML J 21This presentation tries to give an introduction to (and an overview over?) part of the field of multiphase flow. It is particularly concerned with the derivation of models which include the volume fraction as an explicit additional variable, i.e. it is concerned with rather coarse-grained models. After giving a short summary of the microscopic two-phase flow equations, the method of averaging is illustrated and the averaged equations are derived. It is then shown how these coarse-grained equations are closed by constitutive relations. This is followed by a description of how (starting from these coarse-grained two-phase model) an effective medium type equation for the system is obtained, which still contains characteristics of the two-phase system such as latent heat and surface tension. Finally, I will end with showing some preliminary work I have done by formulating one particular two-phase model in the GENERIC framework. A Coarse-Grained Model for Two-Phase Flow
Markus Hütter
Institute of Polymers, ETH Zentrum, Zurich
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