ETH Polymer Physics seminar

10:15 at ML J 37.1

Structure factor of polymer melts

Urs Pedrazza

Institute of Polymers, ETH Zentrum

A routine in FORTRAN computing the structure factor of melts of linear polymers in steady shear flow for different shear rates described by the original reptation model of Doi and Edwards was developed expanding an existing routine calculating the viscosity of melts of linear polymers in steady shear flow for different shear rates. The main equation in the underlying program bases on the description of the polymer dynamics in the model of Doi and Edwards by the stochastic process (Ut,St) for the unit tangent vectors. The scattering function in the source code extension includes position vectors. The simulated structure factor were compared with one measured by small-angle neutron scattering, and the possible solutions for the deviations were prepared. The physical basis for expanding the source code with the independent alignment approximation in the Doi-Edwards model were also arranged.

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