16:15 at IFW A32We consider different sparse approximate inverses as smoother in multigrid methods. On the one hand we discuss the original SPAI and the SAI-method (by Tang and Wan) applied to the full matrices A_k. On the other hand we compare different factorized sparse approximate inverses, e.g. SPAI applied to the Gauss-Seidel smoother, AINV introduced by Benzi and Tuma, and the inverse Cholesky approximation (Kaporin, Kolotilina, Yeremin). Furthermore we discuss a-priori estimates for the sparsity pattern of sparse approximate inverses and present a formulation of Multigrid methods that can be very useful for designing sparse approximate inverses as smoothers. Sparse Approximate Inverses and Multigrid Methods
Thomas Huckle
Department of Informatics, TU Munich
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