10:15 at HCP F 43.4Based on an informed application of Jacobi’s formula we derive closed expressions for all cumulants of all antisymmetric obervables of finite Markov processes. This approach provides a fully algebraic representation of the cumulants that does not involve derivatives. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by comparing the closed expressions for the diffusion matrix and the associated susceptibilities for arbitrarily strong driving forces. As a concrete application I will discuss the parameter dependence of the stochastic motion of the kinesin molecular motor protein. (Joint work with Artur Wachtel, Bernhard Altaner [Phys. Rev. E 92 (2015) 042132, 042133]) Fluctuating currents in stochastic thermodynamics. Exact solutions based on Jacobi's formula
Jürgen Vollmer
Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, Göttingen, Germany
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