ETH Polymer Physics seminar

10:15 at HCP F 43.4

Dissipation-inspired perspectives and quantum gravity views on Planck length

Stefano Furlan

University of Turin, Italy

In the majority of quantum gravity approaches a minimal length scale, related to or identified with Planck length, is contemplated; however, in some cases this is added 'by hand', while in others, more elegantly, it emerges from the theory itself. The latter is the case, e.g., of the so-called 'Weyl-polymer quantization', a procedure that recently gained attention also because of its strict relations to loop quantum gravity. In such a context, the emergence of a length scale within the theory arises at least two possible interpretations, which will be discussed in the light of other relevant topics such as coarse graining and the arrow of time, and will be confronted with perspectives on Planck length coming from dissipation.

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