10:00 at Zoom 68156381388Localizability has been a concept of debate in the context of relativistic quantum theory. Many no-go theorems against localized particles have been developed. Some no-go theorems claimed that their result should rule out a particle ontology, some even claimed that the only possible ontology for a relativistic quantum theory is a field ontology. In this work, I will show how does dissipative quantum field theory (DQFT) escapes the assumptions of Malament's theorem by switching the ontological status of localizability from a particle's property to an event's property, while keeping a particle ontology. I will then study the occurrence of events in DQFT and discuss the ontological status of both particles and events in the theory. Localizability and the occurrence of events in dissipative quantum field theory
Amine Rusi El Hassani
Polymer Physics, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich
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